If you are experiencing issues with FSX Play (Crashing, Freezing, stuck on a loading screen, etc.) and you already tried a regular uninstall and reinstall the FSX Play and exhausted other troubleshooting. The next step is to do a full uninstall of FSX Play sometimes Windows leaves some system files behind that are related to the software that needs to be manually deleted by the user this article will guide you step by step on how to do this process of deleting such files related to FSX Play.
Before Uninstalling FSX Play if you would like to save some time having to download each course follow the article below on saving the course folder before starting the uninstall process unless stated by an agent to delete the courses along with FSX Play.
1. Deactivate the FSX Play license.
2. After deactivating the license uninstall FSX Play through Windows Add & Remove.
If receiving an error uninstalling Play through Windows follow this article: FSX Software Error Message Uninstalling Application
3. Next, delete any folders related to Play. (If you cannot find these folders they may have been deleted already, but double check they are gone by following the steps below.)
Open File Explorer/Windows Explorer on your PC with the folder icon on your taskbar or search for File Explorer.
Some of these files can be found under "This PC" in the Windows File Explorer folder in the following file pathway:
- C:\Users\YOUR_USER_ACCOUNT\AppData\LocalLow
If you do not see the AppData folder another way to get to it on the keyboard press the Windows key+R and the Run command comes up type in %appdata%>Hit Enter>go back to one folder or click on AppData>LocalLow
Alternatively, in File Explorer click on the address bar (highlighted in yellow below) type in %appdata%, and hit enter>go back to one folder or click on the AppData folder>LocalLow
Once inside the "locallow" folder shift+delete the "Foresight" folder only.
4. Next, in the File Explorer in the left bar type in %programdata% then locate the "ForesightSports" folder and delete it. Pictures and file path addresses are below for guidance.
- C:\ProgramData\ForesightSports
With File/Windows Explorer open, please click in the address bar (highlighted below) to type the address C:\ProgramData or copy and paste it into the address bar and hit enter.
Then locate and shift+delete the "ForesightSports" folder.
5. Once you have deleted all files mentioned above restart the system and then install the latest version of Play.
Doing the following steps above should resolve most FSX Play issues as there may have been a file that was corrupted after an update of Play or Windows or during installation of FSX Play causing various issues.
If you have questions about how to install these items, please see the associated guides below:
6. Once you have finished installing FSX Play follow the guide below to optimize FSX Play and the PC. The steps in the guide below can even be done before uninstalling FSX Play as it could resolve some issues.
- Optimizing PC and Software for Performance
- Download .NET 5.0 (v5.0.408) and install or repair it: .NET 5.0 SDK (v5.0.408) - Windows x64 Installer (Direct Download)