Start Game - Initial Dialogue:
Enter the type of game and data of players, or you can play with default parameters.
Fill the dialog box entries to configure your game.
Golf Course
Choose a golf course you would like to play. The courses with purchased license and unlimited functionality are displayed in a black color in the list of courses. Demo courses are displayed in a grey color.
Types of Golf Games
Generally, the score is calculated from the number of shots used to get the ball into the hole. The game which also takes player’s handicap into consideration is called Nett. If no handicap is considered, only the number of achieved shots, the game is called Gross. Player with the smallest number of shots is the winner.
Creative Golf 3D currently supports these types of standard golf games:
- Best Ball Stroke
- Match Play
- Stableford
- Stroke
- Texas Scramble
Number of Holes
Choose a value from the combo box to play all 18 holes, front 9, back 9, or select custom holes.
Choose the number of player's team - for team games such as Best Ball or Texas Scramble
Select Players
Select the players and their rank from the Active Players list.
Icons in Golf Course Menu
Playing a Hole
The sheet in the left top corner displays the score, ball position surface, distance to pin, and shot length for each player. The shot length consists of 2 numbers; first one being the distance of ball flight (carry), second one complete ball travel (flight plus rolling). Players who already finished the hole are marked by a small pin picture. Players in the sheet are sorted according to their distance from the pin. The yellow one (see image below) is on stroke.