Netplay requires the following:
- Both users have the same version of FSX
- Both users have the same version of the course being hosted
- Both users have disabled local windows and network firewalls, or allowed the following acceptations: 1), 2), & 3) port 80 or port 443 which are the standard HTTP/HTTPS ports.
- Both users allow port forwarding (which is different from opening ports on your router).
To allow port forwarding:
Please have a customer who is unable to see any games on the server try the following:
- Access their router settings. This is typically done from a PC on the network by typing in the router IP address into your web browser.
- Locate the section for Port Forwarding. This is different for every router so Foresight Sports can't provide instructions, however, it should be fairly easy to locate inside your router settings page. If you are unable to locate it, there should be plenty of resources on Google or your preferred search engine to assist you as long as you know the make and model of the router.
- Set up Port Forwarding for UDP Ports 25000, 25001, and 25002. The Private IP address will be the IP for the computer using NetPlay.