If you are experiencing problems powering on or charging your GCQuad device please see the steps below:
1. Confirm the device is getting power from the power supply.
The GCQuad power supply will have a green light on the power brick that will light up when power is received. If you are not getting power please check that the wall input is secure. Also, be sure to try another wall outlet to confirm the issue is not related to the local power on that wall.
2. Confirm the battery is fully seated into the device.
Be sure to remove the battery entirely. lightly blowing out any debris or contaminant inside the battery housing. Then, re-seat the battery back into place. You will feel both side click into play once it is properly secured.
3. Note the operating temperature of the battery and device.
- Identify the version of the Battery on the Battery label: GCQ batteries v.A4 and prior (approximately 7/11/17) have a smaller temperature range for charging (0C to 30C).
Notice: Battery Temp Can Impact Charging:
Outside of those temperatures, the batteries will not start charging. Once charging is started, there is a limit of 55C/131F before charging will stop. The new batteries have a temperature range for 0C to 45C for charging to start. The same 55C upper limit applies for charging overall. If batteries are not charging note the temperature of the environment.
4. Identify if the issue is related to the battery or to the device:
1. Power on the GCQuad with no AC power supply plugged into the device. Then go to the battery screen and take a picture of the screen. You will want to be sure to view the battery life percentage and the voltage reading, so the full picture is necessary.
2. Then exit the battery screen, plug the device into AC power and wait 2 minutes. Now, while the Quad remains plugged into the AC power supply go back to the Battery screen and take another picture. Again, take care to see both the battery life percentage and the voltage reading.
Please be sure to take a picture for step one and then a second picture for step two and send those both to Technical Support should your issue continue. To contact Technical Support please login to your Foresight Sports Portal and create a ticket or submit one from our Online Contact Support Form