Notice: For the best function and to reduce disconnection during use we recommend only connecting to one device at a time via Wifi.
However, The GCQuad firmware does support up to 2 wifi sockets if using the correct Redpine firmware
- (Quads with Redpine radio FW 1.6.4 and 1.6.5 will not support 2 sockets, update GCQ Firmware to move redpine firmware to v1.6.8 in order to get 2 sockets).
Unfortunately, while the Foresight SDK and FSX supports 2 wifi sockets, the Apple iPad/iPhone will only try to set up connection on the first socket. Luckily, there are ways to get around this -
Proper Setup Steps:
- Update to the latest Original FSX, FSX 2018 or FSX 2020 and iPad/iPhone versions of the Performance Fitting App or FSX Mobile App.
- First setup connection to the iPad application using the first socket.
- Then setup the connection to your FSX instance, FSX is able to establish a connection to the Quad on the second wifi socket.