Our development team is hard-at-work on the next update to our internal SDK, as there is an issue present currently in our system that prevents device connection with 3rd party software in specific scenarios. This future update will help with any incorporated software that utilizes our launch monitors and connection to such.
Issue: Device is not connecting within FSX 2020 or Swing Catalyst Software
Temporary Resolution:
Step 1: Disable Auto-Connect in FSX 2020
- With all software closed, and at the desktop of your PC, please open FSX 2020
- Once FSX 2020 is opened, and at the main-menu, click on the dashboard menu (three-line-hamburger menu at the top-right of the screen)
- Now select DEVICES from the dashboard pop-up menu
- Now at DEVICES you will see your available devices, select your desired device and deselect/un-bubble AUTO-CONNECT TO THIS DEVICE
- Minimize FSX 2020
Step 2: Start and Connect your device in Swing Catalyst (FIRST)
- Navigate to your Swing Catalyst shortcut or software launch option
- Once open wait on the analyze screen until the device auto-connects
- Then setup Swing Catalyst.
- Minimize Swing Catalyst
Step 3: Open FSX 2020 and connect your device (WITHOUT AUTO-CONNECT ENABLED)
- Navigate back to FSX 2020 (as it should still be open from Step 1)
- Like in Step 1, in FSX 2020, navigate to your Dashboard > Devices > and connect to your desired device (Please do not enable Auto-Connect)
- Once finished, you should now be able to operate both software as intended